Karen Andrews is organizing two day trips.
UMCOR Service Opportunity Join us for a service opportunity planned on March 25 – a day trip to Kerrville to volunteer at the UMCOR warehouse there – on the campus of former Mount Wesley. We’ll likely be putting together and/or verifying flood buckets or medical kits for those who’ve been affected by natural disasters here in the United States. We’ll leave the church in a rented van at 8:30 and return about 4:00. Signup will be on the Adult Bulletin Board by the first week of March.
Mid Texas Symphony On Sunday afternoon, April 27 we have planned a trip to hear the Mid Texas Symphony in Seguin play Beethoven’s 9:th Symphony (which includes the well-known “Ode to Joy.” We’ll leave the church parking lot at 2:45 for the 4:00 concert and return by about 7:00 after a dessert stop on the way home.