“…but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:18-20
Our Presence
The Music Department at First UMC New Braunfels is a rapidly expanding ministry for all ages, with numerous opportunities to volunteer and serve. There are beginning and advanced ensembles available to anyone who is interested and wants to share his or her musical gift with others in a rehearsal and worshipful setting. For more information, please contact the Music Director, Michael Kahl at (830) 625-4513 ext. 113.

Our Ensembles

We offer two weekly choirs as well as a special Cantata choir.
Sonrise Singers:. This ensemble meets on Sundays at 8:00am for a vocal warmup and review of the worship anthem before they sing at the 8:30am service.
Sanctuary Choir: This ensemble rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:00- 8:00pm. Each Sunday, they meet at 10:30am for a group vocal warmup and rehearsal for the anthem featured during 11:00am worship.
Cantata Choir and Orchestra: Rehearsals for the Christmas Cantatas begin approximately two months prior to the performance date. The group combines members of all the choirs, volunteers from the congregation, and an instrumental orchestra. This faithful experience is formatted in the style of a musical, comprised largely of moving musical compositions, with a unique narrative story written specifically for our worship, and combined with beautiful visual presentations. Rehearsals for the cantatas are held on Wednesdays 6:45-7:30pm.
We offer two bell ensembles, one for those who have experience performing in bell choirs, and a new group for beginners!
United Bells (New group): This ensemble meets 5:00-5:50pm on Tuesdays in Room 213. This group is for beginners and intermediate musicians who want to learn how to play bells.
First Bells: 6:00-6:50pm on Tuesdays also in Room 213. This group is for intermediate and experienced musicians who are familiar or comfortable with playing bells and can learn music fairly quickly. This ensemble usually plays during a worship service about once a month.

Contemporary Praise Band
Praise Band: Led by John Garcia and rehearses weekly, usually on Tuesday evenings, and choose their repertoire from popular contemporary Christian favorites you’ll hear on the radio and Christian broadcastings