Student Ministry

First United Methodist Church New Braunfels offers faith-based, Christ-centric leadership opportunities and activities to nurture the future.  We offer several summer camps to cultivate a community of love, and include our youth in many volunteer ministries throughout the year to engage and invigorate them in the excitement of giving back. 

Want to get more involved in the student ministry? 

Make sure to join our Church Center Group for communication, resources, and information through our church app. 



Methodist Youth Fellowship is a time for our youth to gather to hear the Word of God, play games together, catch up from the week, and get to know one another better. We eat a meal together and then divide up into groups for the lesson. This is a casual and fun atmosphere for kids and parents alike


We are always looking for volunteers! We need adults to help make meals for our youth each week. You don’t have to be a youth parent to participate. Click here to sign up.


Although confirmation is not a sacrament in The United Methodist Church, it is an important marker along our spiritual journeys. In the United Methodist Church, children are baptized as infants by their parents. Confirmation is a time to understand the faith and vows they were baptized into as infants. Confirmands are instructed on the fullness of what that baptism means and decide for themselves to take on the responsibilities of their own faith.  After Confirmation, confirmands have the opportunity to become full members of the local church in their own right.

Confirmation classes have already begun for 2024, so registration is currently closed. Confirmation is for students in 7th grade or above who are ready to commit to owning their faith journey and runs on Sunday afternoons from February through May. Check back for details and registration for Confirmation 2025.


River City Work Camp is led by our High School youth and volunteers to specifically give Middle and High School youth (incoming 6th grade through completed 12th grade) an opportunity to make a real difference in our community. Middle and high schoolers spend the week working on a local low-income housing project, learning, worshipping, and fellowshipping together.


We will again be attending Camp Eagle this summer as a group. We will be at their Group Camp, which will incorporate outdoor activities, worship, and preaching to bring students closer to Christ over the course of a week. The dates for Camp Eagle are July 15-20th this summer.

You can find more information here.

We’ll share details here and in our weekly emails when it’s time to register for 2024.

RISE camp counselors

If you are a student in 7th-12th grade, you are invited to join our Rise kids (4th and 5th grade) as a counselor at their Basic Training Camp in Weimar at the end of the summer (July 28-31st). If you have any questions, please contact Amber Garcia.  Follow this link to sign up 

A fun summer camp for youth

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Get ready for Fall at FUMC! Fall newsletter.

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We’re going on a church-wide retreat next Spring. Register now!

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