At our regular WNL we have dinner every week along with opportunities for prayer and worship, studies, fellowship and games, and activities for kids and youth. Activities and studies wrap up at 7:00.
Here is the schedule:
5:00 Wesley Hall doors open
5:00 Dinner served. Menus to be announced in advance
5:30 – 7:00 Optional activities
- Worship / Communion in the Sanctuary
- Fellowship and Games in WH
- “42” Dominoes in Rm 118
- Pastor Don’s Bible study in Rm 219
- Activities for children and youth in the upstairs children’s and youth rooms
Planning to enjoy the meal at WNL? Register in advance. Information about food being served each week included information on sign up. Please use the link below to sign up/register. If you prefer signing up on paper, there are paper sign ups on the windows across from the Welcome Center in the main hall and on the podium stand in the Narthex on Sunday morning.
CLICK HERE to sign up/register for Wednesday Night Live
WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE Meal Schedule has been updated by the Fellowship team. Plan to attend these evenings, and remember to register!
FEB. 5 Chili Cook-Off
Feb. 12 Baked Potato Bar
Feb. 19 Barbeque Dinner
Feb. 26 Homemade Soup Bar
Mar. 4 Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner
No meal on Ash Wednesday
Mar. 12 Sandwich Supper
Mar. 19 Pizza
Mar. 26 Brats, Sauerkraut & Potato Salad
Apr. 2 Taco Salad
Apr. 9 Lasagna Dinner
Apr. 23 Sloppy Joes
Apr. 30 We’re looking for a Church Group to sponsor!
We would love to have more members help with our mission to provide opportunities for our congregation to gather together. If you’d like to extend your involvement in our church, please contact Sharon Gray or Merry White about joining our group, the Fellowship Team!