Wednesday evenings are going to be wonderful this fall. There will be something for everyone – kids, youth, and adults! Plan to join us this fall beginning September 4. We’ll have dinner every week along with opportunities for prayer and worship, studies, fellowship and games, and activities for kids and youth. Dinner will begin at 5:30 each week with the opportunities for fellowship before and after we eat. Activities and studies will wrap up at 7:00.
Here is the schedule:
5:00 Wesley Hall doors open
5:30 – 6:00 Dinner served by our Fellowship Team. Menus to be announced in advance
6:00 – 7:00 Optional activities
- Worship / Communion in the Sanctuary
- Fellowship and Games in WH
- “42” Dominoes in Rm 118
- Pastor Don’s Bible study in Rm 219
- “The Lord’s Prayer” study by Hamilton, with Kyle Forlano in Rm 217
- Activities for children and youth in the upstairs children’s and youth rooms
Planning to enjoy the meal at WNL? Our AMAZING Fellowship Team have planned all the meals for us! They have requested that everyone intending to eat a meal, register in advance. Information about food being served each week included information on sign up. Please use the link below to sign up/register. If you prefer signing up on paper, there are paper sign ups on the windows across from the Welcome Center in the main hall and on the podium stand in the Narthex on Sunday morning.
CLICK HERE to sign up/register for Wednesday Night Live
CLICK HERE to sign up/register for Wednesday Night Live